Tuesday, 14 August 2012

 en.Hey you middle aged married man.
This is so important that I'll have to write it bilingual.

sv. Du medelålders gifta man. 
På svenska längre ner. Orka nu! Det här är viktigt!

Men in my own age are the ones that could make the difference.
There are young girls out there that needs to be loved and protected.
Not love made to, but cared for and encouraged.
Some men doesn't seem to be able to handle showing love without making it a sexual act.
Shame on them.

I challenge you all: Mature people. Yep, ladies as well.
Do Not take advantage of our fragile, weak, uncertain youngsters.
Do Not be quiet.

Be their shield. Take a step forward and put yourself in between the molester and the young person.
You could risk a punch in the face at the most. They risk their wellbeing for their remaining time on earth.
Protect them.
They don't want to have sex as they don't want to cut their wrists. Even if they do it.
I am going to take that step - and punch back.

Watch the video (or read the lyrics at the bottom) by Swedish Terese Fredenwall:
Män i min egen ålder är de som kan göra något åt detta.
Det finns många unga kvinnor omrking oss som behöver både kärlek och skydd.
De vill inte bli älskade med, bara älskade och uppmuntrade.
En del män verkar inte kunna hantera kärlek utan att det blir sexuellt.

Jag utmanar er alla: Japp, kvinnor också.
Dra inte egen vinning av dessa sköra, svaga, osäkra unga.

Var deras trygghet. Ta ett steg framåt och ställ dig mellan offer och förövare.
Allt du riskerar är ett slag i ansiktet, men du kan rädda någon från att leva resten av livet i
otrygghet och skam.
Skydda dem.
De vill ha sex med gubbar lika lite som de vill skära sig i handlederna, även om de gör det.
Jag kommer att riskera slaget - och slå tillbaka.

Se videon (eller läs själv längst ner) text och musik: Terese Fredenwall:
Imagine a young girl starting up contact on internet:

I am staring at the camera showing off my naked skin
Just to hear you say I'm pretty you know I'd do anything

Hey you middle aged married man
I don't even know who I am
So don't you expect me to understand
When you say that you want me
Hey you middle aged married man
I could have been your daughters friend
So why dont you protect me?
I know you can and I don't have to be sorry

You're my drug when I feel lonely, violent sex and then you leave
And right beside the bed you throw some money as if that is what I need